2014年6月12日 星期四

Excelsior (寫作期末考)

      When it comes to the knowledge of our life, most of us will consider books to be the most precious knowledge. That’s kind of correct in some way. As the proverb goes, “Excelsior!” This is the word that I had believed for years.
     What do I mean about “excelsior”? In fact, I’d been learning about composing some article, fiction and poem for about four years. At the beginning, I had no teacher to tech me how to do this kind of thing. All of a sudden, I wanted to try to write something for my life in one day. However, in Taiwanese students’ point of view, all we have to do is learning what the exam is going to test us but not following our creativity. Therefore, I was learning by myself with the statement like “just give it a shot!” Then, I started to go to the libraries for some books related to writing, before I began to find my way to write anything. Unfortunately, it was really hard for me to compose some article that is meaningful only by some books. While I started to think about some negative thought, I came out with an interesting thought. If I was limited by what these books were about, I would be those normal students who were only caring about the textbooks! After that, I made my first piece in my life, which also brought me my first championship! That was really kind of breakthrough for me ate that time. Although we can really learn something from those books which were written by others, that’s not really part of our knowledge. Only by doing by our hand and making something great, the experience will become our knowledge, and this will be our life-long skill. Relying on the books too much will destroy our creativity; we need to create our own way on the base of the books.
     There’s no denying that the knowledge can be learned from the books. Everyone does learn from the books in fact; however, those who really gave it a try and used it are less part of the people. Anyway, the writers need to have the experience first, and then he can write a book for the public. On the case of no related books, we cannot do anything? I don’t agree with that. Our descents were starting from nothing, and give the world to us. I regard this as a gift! Now, all I need to do is excelsior! I will improve a better world for my next generation! Start to move instead of watching movie!

