2013年10月30日 星期三

About 1Q84

     For me, reading 1Q84 is a accident combined with lots of coincidence, I had never thought that I would encounter such a incident at that time.
    In 2011, if my memory served me right, it was a rare rainy day in that summer. I just got acquaintance with a geniuse that had been the first place in the whole school, he was really different from I thought he was originally. Well goes the proverb, "Never judge a book from its cover. " The incident reminded me again. As soon as he knew that I liked to read the novel of Haruki Murakami (村上春樹), he asked me to read 1Q84, for it's really an outstanding piece among his every novels. However, regarding it as unrespectation for the writer to reading his books without buying, I refused his kindness at that time. After a couple of days, 1Q84 Book 3 was republished, which made me became eagerer to 1Q84. Eventually, it happened one day on my way to home, I found a bookstore which was holding on sale for all the novels written by Haruki Murakami, purchasing 1Q84 without hesitation. It seemed to be an accident but I have never felt regretful for buying them, even now. In fact, I have never be so sure that I had to do it like that. On the spot, I could really feel something was pushing me. 
      That's why I read 1Q84. It was never an easy thing to remind everything in a book, especially the novels written by Haruki Murakami because of his plain and peaceful writing way; however, 1Q84 broke the ice of this kind of situation. Changing the way of composing is extremely hard mission for every writer, particularly when everyone didn't want Haruki Murakami to change, but he did it and did it amazingly. That's why 1Q84 caused such a sensation at the period. 
     The story used the concept of parallel worlds, which means when our world is processing, there're more than one different world is processing, too. In other words, there are others you doing other things in other worlds when you are reading my article now. The story is about two perallel worlds, which are our own world in 1984 and the other world (1Q84) has an usual moon and a blue moon. There are two main characters in the story, 天吾 (A male editor with great talent in narration but is not creative. )and 青豆 ( A female professional killer with great skill, working for a place protecting every bulliied females). They were classmates when they were in elementary  school. For 青豆 was bullied by classmates, 天吾's kindness grasped her out from desperation; however, they saperate for different junior school without knowing they loved each other.  Now if you start to think this book is soup, I can tell you that you are so wrong. After a decade, they were involved in 1Q84 in the same time without knowing each other but believing it. Both of they went through countless dangers which is really hard to describe. All I can tell you now is that it worth you. 
      Hope 1Q84 will have a good sell. 

