2013年11月24日 星期日

My Meaningful Object (WA2) Version 1

     Among all the thing in our life, it's friendship that must be the most precious. When it comes to the issue, it will always remind me of the 14-year friend, Caroline.
     Everything can be traced back to 2001. Thanks to our fate, we get acquaintance with Caroline. The first  day I met her still seems to be yesterday news to me. As soon as I knew Caroline, she had been an appealing and interesting girl, and I could feel something in my mind on the spot. Walking through 14 years and those countless hardships,  we used to believe that nothing could separate us and we could be together for goods. However, no matter how great a party is, it will end, and so did us eventually. Last year, 2012, facing to our future, we had our first quarrel, for she wanted me to study abroad in America. Not knowing the reasons, I insisted studying in Taiwan or Hong Kong but not America. That was the first time for me to be stubborn, and the last time, too. Standing in front of the game of our friendship, I think that both of Caroline and I lost the game now. I missed her charming voice, short curly hair and the warmest heart that I had encounter. At the last day we met, it was a wonderful spring day; however, my heart was so cold that everything seemed to be frozen. The sunset of 14 years told us that we lost. That was the first time for me to face such sorrow emotion, and it was too heavy for me to bear, so I ran away. I ran away like  a coward.
      That's how our story ended. After she disappeared as a shadow, the farther time went, the more I missed her. Starting to wander in my mind, I asked myself why this happened. There were a French book, L'élégance du hérisson, which was the last gift she gave to me, but I had never read it. Actually, I was afraid of reading the book, for that's my way to avoid the memory. Recently, I gave it a try to read the book telling about a mystery story but also appealing just like her. Though we may never meet the other, the book will always be the most precious thing for me.

2013年11月11日 星期一

Upside Down

(The summary of the assigned article. )
     Nowadays, there will always be some corners that we had never taken a glimpse on in the society. In other words, it's the dark side of our world. The world full of gambling, drugs, drinking, smoking, just to name a few. A innocent girl of gentle birth lost her direction just for a gang boy who was carefree and bad. Upside down, and everything in his life became everything in her life. From books to guns, from classmates to gangster, the helpless girl started to walk on the edge of our world; however, there was no one could give her a hand. No one helped her. The fallen angel had lost on the fork of the path in her life. The place with violence but without care would happen endless sacrifice, and so did their world. A reckless hand took life from the boy's cousin in a fleeting moment, and it is this event that turned everything in her life into her deep fear. The boy who experienced such unaccepttable death changed into a cruel man. A cruel man with violence but without care. That's to say, he was part of the world. As we all know, no matter what, bad guys would run into their sentence sooner or later, including the cruel man. The fallen angel was faced to everything she didn't know and also everything she would never want to know. There's another fork on her life now. "What should I do now?" She asked herself this way, counting the day before the jail released that cruel man. She asked herself this way. 

2013年11月10日 星期日

Something You May Never Know (The Unforgettable Trip in My Life) ( WA1) Version 3

02121105 陳業大
Narration Version 3
315 Words
Something You May Never Know
     Among all the things in our life, it’s those touching moment that makes a trip so unforgettable. When it comes to the trip, I will always remember forever, one piece of my memory will flash into my mind instantly. I’ve been to Africa as a voluntary worker from Eden Social Welfare Foundation. Traveling to Africa was a kind of tough encounter, for you had to take some medicine or shot for fear of coming down with AIDS or other disease. However, everything would seems really worthwhile when you saw the smile on the faces of those extremely skinny orphans.
     I traveled to Africa as voluntary worker in 2011. It’s about 2 years ago, but when I try to memorize the trip, everything and every moment are just like yesterday news in my memory. Not only the kids living there but the environment also made me start to treasure what I had already got now. Everything I encountered in Africa was so astonishing to me at the First day. Left the quality of the drinking water, there was even little water if we didn’t arrive at there, so did those innutritious foods! What’s worse, it was really a unbelievable shock for me to believe that those orphans were brought up with these sorts of things. When I saw these children smile at me for my teaching or aid, I started to think this way, “Why can’t everyone in the world smile like them? The smile doesn't have other meaningless things. What’s wrong with us? We have already got everything we need!” Well goes the proverb, “ No matter how it changes, stay real.” It has been the motto that I always bear in my mind. Remember that treasuring what you have now, and being appreciated for who gave you these. There’s no scar that won’t fade away, so why is sadness still on you face?

More Than You Think

     For some personal reason, I chose the economy as my lesson for this semester. This chance made me walk into a world I had never thought about. Not only shocked but I also felt how small I was to this world. It was the first time that I got so close to the concept which is much more than I thought it was. Everything had to start from the 10 principle in economy, to make this short, I will just mention the important point. There're four factors that will influent the decision of the costomer. They are other choices, thing you have to give up, efficence and temptation. When you read the four factors you may think "I have understood them hundreds years ago." In the meantime, you are so wrong. Left first three of them alone, let's focus  on the fourth factor "temptation." As we all know, if the government raises up the tax of apples, the price of apples will raises relatively high, therefore, there will be more costomers buying pears instead of purchasing apples. At the same time, for making more profit of apples, farmers will hire more worker to work for them, so there are will be more apples for costomers to buy. That's how we see the "temptation" originally. But its meaning is more more than you thought. 
      Take the seat belt law for example, due to more and more drivers using seat belts for fear of being imposed a fine, drivers will start to think this way: " I use seat belt when I am driving. In other words, my life gets protection." This kind of thought brings countless accidents, for the drivers knows they are safe, so they won't drive so carefully. No matter if you are buying this, it's truth. Compared to the drivers died for car accidents, the number of the passengers died for car accidents raised incredibly high after the seat belt law is pronounced. This was not only just a concept of economy, it is a case that really happen in the world we live. Everything have both sides, and you will always take care of what you choose to do.