2014年3月9日 星期日

[Chronicle of Events (大事記)] You Are Much More Ignorant Than You think You Are.

News From:
My opinion:
     At March 8, 2013, it is the day of Taiwanese Event against the 4th Nuclear Power Plant. After a year, March 9, 2014 is the anniversary of it. For the seven-in-one election, most of candidates use it as a part of their political views. Although it seems that they are going with the crowd, the issue about 4th nuclear power plant should be faced instantly.
     As the result, the issue about 4th nuclear power plant becomes political from livelihood. After Fukushima nuclear disaster and Three Mile Island accident, nuclear issues start to become more and more important. Days after days, some people may forget about it. Unexpectedly and ironically, this issue is reminded for the election. Let's cut to the chase and get start it.     To the 4th Nuclear Power Plant, most of people only know that it pose threaten to environment without knowing that they are doubled-edged in fact. As the saying goes, "Never follow like sheep." It is also the most important proverb that Taiwanese should learn now. As we all know, if there are nuclear power, there will be nuclear waste and radiation pollution, and they pose threaten to our world without doubt. However, most of us don't even know the importance of the nuclear power. No matter how, there’s no doubt that the new nuclear power plant poses horrible threaten to our environment. In fact, that’s the main reason why those protesters oppose their will against the government for Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. Without others concern, these protesters regards their activity as justice in our society. They consider themselves to be the justice by means of pursuing trends, ignoring what the fact really is. What’s worse, the protesters and the supporters don’t realize the others thoroughly. To make this easy to understand, first of all, I’d like to explain the reason why the supporters think we need Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. Just like Mr. Stewart, who was the first person to promote the concept of environmentalism, says environmentalism needs nuclear power. It might sound crazy; however, nuclear power is not only much more effective but also environmental, for the resource the nuclear power plant takes is far below others power. Further more, the power created by the Solar Energy is extremely low. Another thing hard to believe is that the solar panels produce really high pollution. That’s what the information that the protester ignore is. Second, as soon as we mention the nuclear power plant, it’s the pollution it causes that we care the most. Then, we will start to concern about the Green Island, where we stored the nuclear waste; not knowing that the nuclear waste placed there was the lightest pollution, like the clothes. But where’s those high-pollution waste? The fuel rods taking 5 years long to cool down were stored in the cooling bays in Taiwan. Nevertheless, Taiwan is too small to store so many fuel rods. Just like you do to a full garbage can, they pull them into the cooling bays. The same thing kept happening several time until now they dud the same thing to the fuel rods. Then, recently, the government mentioned the foundation of the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. No matter which side you stand, there will never be absolutely collect; however, it’s we are not the sheep following the reed pipe blindly that what really matter is.

