2014年6月12日 星期四

Excelsior (寫作期末考)

      When it comes to the knowledge of our life, most of us will consider books to be the most precious knowledge. That’s kind of correct in some way. As the proverb goes, “Excelsior!” This is the word that I had believed for years.
     What do I mean about “excelsior”? In fact, I’d been learning about composing some article, fiction and poem for about four years. At the beginning, I had no teacher to tech me how to do this kind of thing. All of a sudden, I wanted to try to write something for my life in one day. However, in Taiwanese students’ point of view, all we have to do is learning what the exam is going to test us but not following our creativity. Therefore, I was learning by myself with the statement like “just give it a shot!” Then, I started to go to the libraries for some books related to writing, before I began to find my way to write anything. Unfortunately, it was really hard for me to compose some article that is meaningful only by some books. While I started to think about some negative thought, I came out with an interesting thought. If I was limited by what these books were about, I would be those normal students who were only caring about the textbooks! After that, I made my first piece in my life, which also brought me my first championship! That was really kind of breakthrough for me ate that time. Although we can really learn something from those books which were written by others, that’s not really part of our knowledge. Only by doing by our hand and making something great, the experience will become our knowledge, and this will be our life-long skill. Relying on the books too much will destroy our creativity; we need to create our own way on the base of the books.
     There’s no denying that the knowledge can be learned from the books. Everyone does learn from the books in fact; however, those who really gave it a try and used it are less part of the people. Anyway, the writers need to have the experience first, and then he can write a book for the public. On the case of no related books, we cannot do anything? I don’t agree with that. Our descents were starting from nothing, and give the world to us. I regard this as a gift! Now, all I need to do is excelsior! I will improve a better world for my next generation! Start to move instead of watching movie!

2014年6月7日 星期六


新聞來源 2014-06-07

Nowadays, there are more and more people want to make themselves rich. However, while they are chasing their wealth, they didn’t follow their kindness but do something against the humanity. Not only the safety of the customer is threatened but the life of animals is insulted. I think this is really shameful to see this kind of thing happened in Taiwan.

新聞來源 2014-06-05

The very bad news about the ship Sewol had happened for almost 2 months. Besides the captain, the Korean president Park Geun-hye may be the main character in this event, for she took the work of helping the sufferers to walk through this hardship. Unfortunately, she didn’t handle this well. I think no matter what had happened, it’s very hard for anyone to walk through their sadness. The sufferers needs helps and Park Geun-hye didn’t make it right. This is the main thing for her self-examination.

新聞來源 2014 05 21

This news is not only about our public safety. More importantly, we need to be more care about some particular people. There is more people who is like Zheng-Ja, and we should not ignore them. What’s more, to prevent the same thing from happening again, we should seek them out and give them the certain way to solve their problem.

新聞來源 2014-05-20

This news is quiet an important point now. I think now the Thais themselves doesn’t know what the situation now, too. This martial law will be the main thing they can see for now. Although the military had claimed that this is not the revolution but a simple self-defence.  However, what is the meaning about the martial law, I think this depend on how the Thais see it.

新聞來源 2014-04-27

The issue about the fourth nuclear power plant had been discussed for years; however, there’s still the answer that can be accepted by everyone. In fact, there may not be such a wonderful answer. In my opinion, we should respect both side, or there will be no end for this issue. I think we need the nuclear power plant for now.  Because it is the most efficient power in our world. In Taiwan, which has less place and less resource, nuclear power plant is really necessary for Taiwan. On the other hand, the fourth nuclear power plant is really lack of consideration. Our government really need to think this issue twice, or the result will be really terrible.`、

新聞來源 2014-04-29

This problem may be the main fear of Asian country. Facing to such a big country, there’s lots of tense situation that Asian countries have to deal with. What’s worse, China is a republic country. It’s hard to avoid the interaction with China in Asia. Owning the most popularity in the world, China is kind of the biggest market in the world. No matter how, we need China to survive. In this way, we need another powerful country to be our back. Hope the claim will give us better situation.

新聞來源 2014-04-24

I think this kind of enormous event should not be voted. This issue is too important for normal people to decide if we need the nuclear power plant. For now, most part of the society regarded the  nuclear power as something will destroy our world but produce any power. However, most of them don’t know how the nuclear power contribute to our society. Without nuclear power plant, Taiwan will run out of power, and we will lose the most important part of our world. This kind of issue should be decided by the professional but not resort to the public.

 新聞來源 2014-04-21

As soon as I knew this news, I really think this captain is too ridiculous to do this kind of this. I had seen countless driver who was really full of responsibility. Some of them even contribute their life for the passengers’ life. Only for his own life, this captain chose to escape by himself and leave the rest of the passengers. Then, these innocent life just sacrifice for no reason. This captain had to face what he have to encounter next.

2014年4月13日 星期日

[Chronicle of events] Our world is not the whole world.

Resourse: http://www.voanews.com/content/search-resumes-for-missing-malaysian-plane/1892255.html

After the news is happened, it had been quiet a while that Taiwanese news have ignored it. However, it should be one of the most important news recently. While Taiwanese news is covered by student movement.
Anyway, since MH370 was disappeared, there have been countless people watching for the news holding the hope. Although it have been a long time, there is still some people looking for any chance. This news could be the last hope for them. This is one of the reason why Taiwanese news station need to put some emphasis on here.  Our world is not the whole world.

2014年3月9日 星期日

[Chronicle of Events (大事記)] You Are Much More Ignorant Than You think You Are.

News From:
My opinion:
     At March 8, 2013, it is the day of Taiwanese Event against the 4th Nuclear Power Plant. After a year, March 9, 2014 is the anniversary of it. For the seven-in-one election, most of candidates use it as a part of their political views. Although it seems that they are going with the crowd, the issue about 4th nuclear power plant should be faced instantly.
     As the result, the issue about 4th nuclear power plant becomes political from livelihood. After Fukushima nuclear disaster and Three Mile Island accident, nuclear issues start to become more and more important. Days after days, some people may forget about it. Unexpectedly and ironically, this issue is reminded for the election. Let's cut to the chase and get start it.     To the 4th Nuclear Power Plant, most of people only know that it pose threaten to environment without knowing that they are doubled-edged in fact. As the saying goes, "Never follow like sheep." It is also the most important proverb that Taiwanese should learn now. As we all know, if there are nuclear power, there will be nuclear waste and radiation pollution, and they pose threaten to our world without doubt. However, most of us don't even know the importance of the nuclear power. No matter how, there’s no doubt that the new nuclear power plant poses horrible threaten to our environment. In fact, that’s the main reason why those protesters oppose their will against the government for Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. Without others concern, these protesters regards their activity as justice in our society. They consider themselves to be the justice by means of pursuing trends, ignoring what the fact really is. What’s worse, the protesters and the supporters don’t realize the others thoroughly. To make this easy to understand, first of all, I’d like to explain the reason why the supporters think we need Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. Just like Mr. Stewart, who was the first person to promote the concept of environmentalism, says environmentalism needs nuclear power. It might sound crazy; however, nuclear power is not only much more effective but also environmental, for the resource the nuclear power plant takes is far below others power. Further more, the power created by the Solar Energy is extremely low. Another thing hard to believe is that the solar panels produce really high pollution. That’s what the information that the protester ignore is. Second, as soon as we mention the nuclear power plant, it’s the pollution it causes that we care the most. Then, we will start to concern about the Green Island, where we stored the nuclear waste; not knowing that the nuclear waste placed there was the lightest pollution, like the clothes. But where’s those high-pollution waste? The fuel rods taking 5 years long to cool down were stored in the cooling bays in Taiwan. Nevertheless, Taiwan is too small to store so many fuel rods. Just like you do to a full garbage can, they pull them into the cooling bays. The same thing kept happening several time until now they dud the same thing to the fuel rods. Then, recently, the government mentioned the foundation of the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant. No matter which side you stand, there will never be absolutely collect; however, it’s we are not the sheep following the reed pipe blindly that what really matter is.

[Chronicle of Events (大事記)] If You Know This World.

My opinion:
     First of all, I’d like to talk about the legitimacy of Crimean independence. The premise of Crimean independence is that they have to get the approval of the central government. If the central government does not approve the thought of independence, there will be countless public protests. Then, the government will suppress the riot by force of arms, and it’s the worst situation it can be. It’s so-called civil war. After the battle between government and the radical, if the government loses, the independence will become a war. In the meanwhile, if the radical lose, they are going to face the sentence of betrayal. The worst result is that both sides did not have the winner, the war will become massacre. They have to negotiate with the other side, and end up with draw or national disruption. In this news, if Russia makes a forced occupation, the so-called plebiscite is not legal, and will not get the national approval, even if the government loses the war. On the other hand, the intruders will be sentenced heavily. The occupied country can ask national help.
      Secondly, the future of Crimean independence is also worth of discussing. In my opinion, attended to the result of Crimean plebiscite this time, if this news is the prologue of Russian approval for the plebiscite, this situation will be exactly the same as Saddam Hussein’s annexation of Kuwait. If there’s going to have a war between Ukraine and Crimea, without the Russian support, there’s no way for Crimea to win the war, so we may think this news is good for Crimea; however, it’s not as simple as we thought it is, this could become double-edged situation. Assumed that Russia is going to have a war with Ukraine in public, America and NATO must have action. In that case, Russia will lose completely even if Russia gets the support from China.

     Last but not least, the influence of this news to Taiwan is also a question we can think about. If the situation happens like above, Ukraine must become the side of America and NATO. In this case, China will lose their army support from Ukraine, especially on Chinese aviation industry. On the other hand, Chine have to explain their claim of not involve in the politics of other country. Their support will become heavy influence in the future.